
Happiness is inside, not outside; therefore it is not what we have but what we are ...


"If they tell me that the job requires work under pressure, I'm not interested.

It means that their processes are wrong and they are going to load me up with results of their bad decisions.

I do work well under pressure, but I never want my job description to require it, just the isolated situations that justify it."

"Work under pressure" means to many people being pushed around, yelled at, and dealing with unreasonable deadlines.
I never understood why people put anything remotely threatening into job descriptions. Is it a reflection on those who write them?

How about instead:
"Works well in a team environment"
"Likes challenges"
"Wants to make a difference"


— Pero dígame, de todos sus malestares, cuál le molesta más

— La gente, doc, la gente...